Deleted Doctopus
Posted by Phil Aaronson at 4:15 PM
Doctopus looked like a very clever program for adding tiny informational "badges" to your doc icons (on OS X 10.4). A neat, visualization technique building out on the existing badge metaphor. Like's new mail badge. I'm game, count me in. But wait ...
I shouldn't pick on Doctopus. I readily admit I didn't read the system requirements carefully enough, and failed to notice the 10.4 only requirement. So of course, after I had installed it (with a package installer no less) and after I had signed up for the 30 trial I get the following ...

Startly Tech couldn't tell me this during the install? Before signing up for the demo? Or even earlier on the website with a little smart JavaScript? Show me some luv! I'm ok with the "Yo idiot, this isn't going to work on your 10.3 box". Just do me the favor of telling me up front before I jump through all the hoops and waste my time. After I can upgrade the laptop to Tiger, I'm sure not going to go through this again. Come to think of it, my 30 day demo which I didn't use will be over by then as well. Now I need to get this off my box darn it.
I shouldn't pick on Doctopus. I readily admit I didn't read the system requirements carefully enough, and failed to notice the 10.4 only requirement. So of course, after I had installed it (with a package installer no less) and after I had signed up for the 30 trial I get the following ...

Startly Tech couldn't tell me this during the install? Before signing up for the demo? Or even earlier on the website with a little smart JavaScript? Show me some luv! I'm ok with the "Yo idiot, this isn't going to work on your 10.3 box". Just do me the favor of telling me up front before I jump through all the hoops and waste my time. After I can upgrade the laptop to Tiger, I'm sure not going to go through this again. Come to think of it, my 30 day demo which I didn't use will be over by then as well. Now I need to get this off my box darn it.
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