Angels and Devils
Posted by Phil Aaronson at 9:30 PM
This week's Illustration Friday topic was Angels and Devils. As it turned out, I had done a bunch of sketches of an icon for an open source project called Loocifer. To be honest, I'm not sure what the project is about exactly. But the name certainly lended itself to a certain Devil theme. Here's the progression of images.
The feedback for the first was that it was too "real". From the second, they liked the top left but maybe try it without a nose. The third was the final sketch, and then the icon that jakedahn put together in Illustrator. He did a really stellar job on it I thought.

The feedback for the first was that it was too "real". From the second, they liked the top left but maybe try it without a nose. The third was the final sketch, and then the icon that jakedahn put together in Illustrator. He did a really stellar job on it I thought.

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