Are You Working Tonight?
2004-02-14 12:00AM PST/Home
Well we did it. We broke down and bought a new laptop. So now Amanda's running on the old iBook, and I've moved into the new one (800MHz G4). I was up until 3am trying to configure them both, and I'm still not quite done. Among other things, Mathematica doesn't run on the new box quite yet.
Having us both on Macs has its advantages. I can never keep track of when Amanda's working, every week she works a different set of days. She's still a "junior" in the nurse seniority system. A possible solution may be Apple's calendar program called "iCal" ships with every one of their computers, and has this neat feature which allows you to publish your calendar to a webDAV enabled web server. So that's what I did. Following Greg Weston's
instructions, it was a snap. And free. Ok, relatively free. Now each of our laptops checks for any changes to each other's schedule each hour. So any change in her work schedule will automatically show up on my laptop. Thank you!
Oh, almost forgot. When I look at my schedule, I like to look at two days at a time (today and tomorrow). At first glance iCal doesn't support it. Oh but it does, select the "week" view, and then type apple command-option-2, and presto, a two-day view. Apple command-option-3 for a three-day view and so on.
Feb 15, 2004 PM/Home
I'm in the process of decommissioning the old Linux box. All it really does now is act as web server and backup for all of our digital pictures. To replace it, I picked up an external firewire enclosure. I'll put the hard drive from the Linux box in there and connect it to Amanda's iBook. It will take up less space, use less electrical power, and makes for one less computer to keep up to date.
Related Links
- Apple's iCal
- WebDAV with iCal, Greg Westin's site detailing how to .
- iCalShare, subscribe to any number of calendars.
- PHP iCalendar, a web based viewer for calendar files. This looks interesting, and possibly worth loading.
- WebDAV Resources
- View any number of individual days in iCal. Its the hint on macosxhints detailing the x-day view options.
- Dual Link Drive Kit, a firewire/USB-2 hard-drive enclosure.