I Like The Purple One!
May 1, 2004 PM/Ryan's Derby Party
The Ryan's do their best to host a Kentucky Derby party every year (the first Saturday in May). And every year, Steve writes a program on his PC so that the party goers could place a small friendly wager. This year I did better than I've ever done before. My secret? Its simple. I just let Phoebe pick the horses. Steve had added to his program images of the silks that the jockeys were to wear. So Phoebe scanned down the list, really only looking at the pictures.
"Lets pick three horses Phoebes. Which ones do you like?"
With no hesitation whatsoever, "I like the purple one, the pink one, and the blue one with the dots."
So that's what we did. We had picked, "the purple one" which was Cliffs Edge, "the pink one" which was, Imperialism and "the blue one with the dots" which was Smarty Jones. And wouldn't you know it, Smarty Jones won and Imperialism came in third. My-oh-my-oh-my. I think I'll be letting her pick the horses next year as well.

A big big thank you to the Ryan's for having us over!