Disneyland Characters
October 8, 2004 AM/Disneyland
Its amazing how quickly you can get caught up in trying to get a picture with all the princesses. Oldest daughter's favorite: Cinderella. Youngest: Pooh. Dad's: Ariel. You can tell which day it was by the color of my oldest's shirt.
Princess Jasmine and Aladdin

Alice In Wonderland

The "Not So Little" Mermaid. There were a surprising number of Dads in this line!

Princess Atta and Flick from "A Bug's Life"


Snow White

Belle from Beaty and the Beast

Jesse from Toy Story II


Piper checks out Cinderella's shoes

Sleeping Beauty (Princess Aurora aka Briar Rose)


Eeyore from Winnie The Pooh

Pooh (Piper's favorite)
